Paracetamol : ORAL and IV dosages in paediatrics and adults

Oral route

15mg/kg every 4 hours upto maximum of 1gm and not to exceed 4gm/day or 4gm/24hrs

  • suspension


  • Child under 1 month: 10 mg/kg 3 or 4 times daily (max. 40 mg/kg daily) 

  • Child 1 month and over: 15 mg/kg 3 or 4 times daily (max. 60 mg/kg daily)

  • Adult: 1 g 3 or 4 times daily (max. 4 g daily)




120 mg/5 ml susp.

100 mg tablet

500 mg tablet

< 1 month

< 4 kg

1.5 ml x 3

1 to < 3 months

4 to < 6 kg

2.5 ml x 3

½ tab x 3

3 months to < 1 year

6 to < 10 kg

4 ml x 3

1 tab x 3

1 to < 3 years

10 to < 15 kg

6 ml x 3

1½ tab x 3

3 to < 5 years

15 to < 20 kg

8 ml x 3

2 tab x 3

5 to < 9 years

20 to < 30 kg

12 ml x 3

3 tab x 3

9 to < 14 years

30 to < 50 kg

1 tab x 3

≥ 14 years and adult

≥ 50 kg

2 tab x 3

Intravenous route

Forms and strengths, route of administration

  • 500 mg (10 mg/ml, 50 ml) and 1 g (10 mg/ml, 100 ml) vials, for infusion


  • Neonate: 7.5 mg/kg (0.75 ml/kg) every 6 hours, to be administered over 15 minutes (max. 30 mg/kg daily)

  • Child ≥ 1 month and < 10 kg: 10 mg/kg (1 ml/kg) every 6 hours, to be administered over 15 minutes (max. 30 mg/kg daily)

  • Patient ≥ 10 kg and < 50 kg: 15 mg/kg (1.5 ml/kg) every 6 hours, to be administered over 15 minutes (max. 60 mg/kg daily)

  • Patient ≥ 50 kg: 1 g (100 ml) every 6 hours, to be administered over 15 minutes (max. 4 g daily)


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