
Showing posts from November, 2022


Treatment for Dog Bite 1. Inj TT 1cc IM STAT 2.Inj RABIVAX -S IM 2.5 IU/1ml 3. Inj Equirab IM/SC 1500 IU/ 5ml Inj RABIVAX - S  Rabivax-S Vaccine is given to people who are at higher risk of coming in contact with rabies like veterinarians. It is also given to people after an animal bite if the animal could have rabies. If the vaccine is given immediately and appropriately, it is 100 percent effective. Rabies vaccine,Human 2.5 IU/1ml How Rabies vaccine, Human works Rabies vaccine, Human is an inactivated vaccine. It helps develop immunity by forming antibodies, which are proteins that protect against infection caused by viruses. Dose is as follows 1st Dose - Day 0 2nd Dose - Day 3 3rd Dose - Day 7 4th Dose - Day 14 5th Dose - Day 21 6th Dose - Day 30 Inj Equirab 1500 IU/ 5ml Equirab 1500 Injection is derived from the blood of horses. It neutralizes the virus at the wound site within a few hours. Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin 1500 IU/ 5 ml How Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin ...

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A complete blood count, or CBC, is a blood test that measures many different parts and features of your blood, including: Red blood cells, which carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. White blood cells, which fight infections and other diseases.  There are five major types of white blood cells . A CBC test measures the total number of white cells in your blood. A different test called a CBC with differential measures the number of each type of these white blood cells. Platelets , which stop bleeding by helping your blood to clot. Hemoglobin , a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Hematocrit , a measurement of how much of your blood is made up of red blood cells. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) , a measure of the average size of your red blood cells. Other names for a complete blood count: CBC, full blood count, blood cell count What is it used for? A complete blood count is a common blood test that is o...

Anti - Diarrheals

The treatment protocol to be followed in Diarrhea should be in the following order Rehydration: Give the patient plenty of orals fluids or ORS or start IV fluids if required. Probiotics: Ask the patient to consume Curd or Yogurt or Isabgol. Sporolac sachets or tablets (Lactobacillus) or Econorm sachets (S.Boulardii)can be given to restore bacterial flora in intestines. Antissecretory agents: Drugs like Racecodotril can be given to reduce the fluid loss. Antimotility agents: Drugs like Loperamide (Tab.Eldoper 2mg) or Diphenoxylate (Tab Lomotil) can be given to stop the gut movements. Dietary Advice in Diarrhea Advice plenty of water, Liquids, Black tea, Ganji, Buttermilk, Coconut water, Fruit juices, Biscuits, Overripe Bananas. As loose motions decrease, Soft diet like Idli, Soft rice (Curd rice/Ghee rice),Rice with buttermiilk, Ganji, Fruits,etc. Avoid heavy, hard, cold, hot, spicy and oily foods.  Most commonly used Anti - Diarrheals are : 1. Loperamide 2mg How Loperamide work...